Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

2-2: Influencing Performance

2-2: Influencing Performance

Q Reflect on the information gleaned from the assigned readings, literature review, and your own personal experiences. Prepare a 2-3 page paper titled Influencing Performance. Compose your paper in Microsoft Word. Include your name, the assignment name and number, the course and section number, and the date on your title page. Format your paper and cite ALL sources according to APA guidelines. Discuss the following in your paper: How could your organization better enhance individual motivation and performance beyond what it is currently doing. Justify your reasoning. Describe one method effective leaders can use to improve individual and/or group performance in your organization. Include the role of theory in your discussion. Describe an experience in which you felt empowered to use your decision making skills or to express your creativity in your work environment. Support your analysis with a minimum of 2-3 appropriate, scholarly references from your textbook and other scholarly articles. Note: Websites are not scholarly references, use your textbook, weekly enrichment readings, and library resources. Submit your paper to Turnitin at least 48 hours prior to the due date. ?

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Employee performance and motivation are co-related and can be considered as major factors in moving the business forward. Although the higher management of Walmart Inc. follows suitable policies and strategies in order to enhance the individual motivation, still there are lacks (Shahzadi, Javed, Pirzada, Nasreen, & Khanam, 2014). Walmart should make a clear expectation for the employees. In this way, the employees will understand what the management wants from them and they can perform in a better manner. A clear and achievable goals can evaluate their performances as well.